betol la kan orang cakap
kat bandar metropolitan ni susah nak carik kawan baik .
kawan yang baik ramai
tapii yang betol2 baik sgt susah
i really meant it
in front of us baik
but behind us
we dont know nothing
kawan tikam belakangg
so lots kat bandar metropolitan ni
bila kita baik
bila kita jahat
lagi salah
kadang2 , kita buat baik
pon orang anggap kita jahat
eventhough kita bermati matian buat baik dgn dorang
life is unfair
but thats what we call life
kadang2 kita nak sangat jaga hati orang tu
but , them ?
always think about us ?
not even more , but just a bit ?
they are ?
ofcourse they aren't
since i got to stay here in kota metropolitan ni
i've got a lot of friends
and , they are always make me hurt ,
sengaja nak sakitkan hati
sengaja nak carik masalah
am i too bad for them ?
seriously bad?
oh damn it -,-
dont know what your motive is
but its doesn't effect me at all
wanna make me jealous ?
oh soryy
yess you did :)
but wanna make me angry ?
you're exactly wrong !!
not so easy to make me angry .
its easy to make me angry plus sulking
to take me into fight
thats not me at all .
just coz a boy!
I'm not stupidest like you lahhh .
want him?
take take and take .
i give it to you
its enough to me for having my family beside .
dont like?
just two word .